Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Presbyterian Tradition

With the recent modification of the Directory of Worship defining marriage as a union of two persons, The Presbyterian Church (USA) has moved one step closer to marriage equality. Our Ecclesiastical actions mirror the nation of Ireland that approved marriage equality in a referendum of all the people.

Some welcomed change; others have not. One of the classic distinctions of the Presbyterian Tradition is the tension built into a system based on the concept of continual change. Our motto is: Reformed and Always Reforming. What that means is we are committed to the processes of change. We’re committed to openness because we have faith that God is still leading us; God is still transforming us; God is still preparing a way for us to be the church that demonstrates God’s intention for all humanity.

We believe God loves us. Scripture affirms God loved the whole world and sent his Son Jesus to tell us. Jesus also showed us what God’s love looks like. He fed the hungry, healed diseases, broke bread with outcasts and welcomed those shunned by society. He taught us to love one another the way God loves us.

We know what love looks like because we caught a glimpse of it in ancient Palestine. But we live in the Twenty First Century. We live in a world of conflicting opinions and beliefs about all kinds of things. Marriage equality is just one of them. In a world of conflicting and confusing realities, our tradition helps us uncover clarity. Our commitment and openness to change enables us to embrace the options God is revealing to us. When we eliminate options because we’re certain we know the will of God, we’re no longer followers. We’re putting ourselves in the place of God.

Writing about the supposed conflict between religion and science, Barbara Brown Taylor said:
...if God is one, then how can reality be two? If God is the origin of all that is – earth, moon, and stars, as well as spirit, soul, and consciousness, then how can science (which means to tell me the truth about physical reality) and religion (which means to tell me the truth about spiritual reality) be enemies?....If God is truly one and truly God of all, then how can truth be divided?
You could substitute any reality, conflict, or disagreement into Taylor’s formula. If God is love, how can marriage equality be wrong? Here’s what scripture tell us: “The Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and all who are in it.” And thus we are open to change; we’re open to possibility. We’re open because it’s our tradition to follow where God leads!

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