Tuesday, June 9, 2015

HIPAA Update

As you may remember, a HIPAA consent form signed by you is required in order for us to list your name in the bulletin when you are ill, add you to the Prayer Partner list of concerns, or have the pastor or a deacon visit you in the hospital or care center. The forms are only good for three years, and 2015 is the year most of the forms we have on file need to be renewed. That’s why we’ve included a new blank form as an insert in the June edition of The SPIRE. (You can also access it here.) Please fill it out and return it to the church office so that we may update your records and be sure that you receive the appropriate level of support from us.

And, of course, even if we have your consent form on file, someone needs to tell us when you are ill, in the hospital, or in need of a home visit. We want to be there for you without relying on rumors for information. Please call us yourself if you are able, or, if you have given a relative or friend a medical power of attorney, be sure to tell that person under what circumstances you would like the church to be notified of your condition.

Thank you!

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