Saturday, November 16, 2013

Stewardship Sunday

Stewardship Sunday at First Presbyterian Church of Sun City is tomorrow, November 17.

In 1963, the charter members of a brand-new church gathered with faith, energy, and hope for the future.  First Presbyterian Church of Sun City was created through their efforts and God's grace.

Today, with you, the mission, ministry, and fellowship those faithful witnesses began fifty years ago continue.

We begin the next fifty years as a living, vibrant congregation because God is God of the living.  Just as God led the children of Israel to a promised homeland, God created a home for the church here in Sun City.  God leads us into the future.  You are a vital part of the church's story.  Your support assures treasured programs and traditions continue.  Your generosity guarantees new traditions will emerge.  Your support for the church's ministry has brought about a resurgent Handbell Choir and the dedication of the Memorial Carillon Chimes; mission outreach, from Thanksgiving food baskets to Habitat for Humanity; and nurturing and compassionate fellowship through prayer, women and men's groups, and programs.

By making your pledge for 2014 you support the Mission, Ministry, and Fellowship of First Presbyterian Church of Sun City.  You join in the celebration of the church's fiftieth anniversary.  Your anniversary gift, in addition to your annual pledge, honors the past while God leads us into the future.

Fifty years have given us the foundation of a strong and vibrant church.  First Presbyterian Church is the church of God's making.  Ours is a living church because God is the God of the future.  God is the God of the living.  God is the God of First Presbyterian Church of Sun City.  Thanks be to God!

Harrell Davis

Your pledge to First Presbyterian Church assures the future of the ministry, mission, and fellowship you've helped build.  Thank you for being part of the church's first fifty years.  Thank you for your continued support and faithful witness.

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