Thursday, September 5, 2013

The Early 2000's (continued)

In January of 2002, Presbyterians, world wide, opened their pockets to donate more than 1.2 million in support of the World Trade Center bombing of September 11, 2001.  The February 3rd Souper Bowl raised $825.00.  Carol Arseth, R.N., began a “Weigh Down Worship, Inc.” program for weight control.  On April 1, Dr. David Glen Walker and wife, Shirley, left for New Zealand on a month long International Pastor Exchange with Rev. Ralph Penno and his wife, Ruth. Dr. Wright returned to University of Life for the month of May, speaking about the book of Genesis. In October the FPC Travelers took a train ride thru the Verde Canyon, enjoying a noon box lunch and dinner at Castle Rock CafĂ©. Norma Mack accepted the position of Front Office Administration Assistant/Financial Secretary in the church office. A “Fall Academy” was begun with classes ranging from Native American spirituality to computer E mails. Lila Miller and Jane Leef Hundley became First Church members in 2002.

Rev. Dr. Barklind
On September 15, Rev. Dr. John Barklind was presented as candidate for Senior Pastor by the PNC. On December 15 Grand Canyon Presbytery installed Rev. Barklind as Senior Pastor at the First Presbyterian Church of Sun City. Rev. Barklind, a Minnesota native, had served the First Presbyterian Church of Independence, MO, for nine years before being called to Sun City. The Barklinds have three daughters and six grandchildren. As a couple he and wife, Rosemary, shared their ministry of God and enjoyed many hobbies together, from traveling to cooking. They are now retired and living in Little Rock, AR.

~Donna Roth

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