Friday, May 29, 2015

The Results of the Survey

Thank you to everyone who filled out the Fellowship Dinner questionnaire! We received 38 responses (22 on paper and 16 online), which will definitely allow us to plan our 2015-2016 events with more confidence. We thought you’d be interested in the results, too, so here’s a brief summary.

Three respondents didn’t attend our 2014-2015 dinners. One doesn’t drive at night; one has a restrictive diet; and the spouse of the third doesn’t want to participate. We can’t do anything about that last one, but if you aren’t coming due to food or transportation issues, let us know and we will do our best to accommodate you.

By far the favorite meals were the turkey and the ham. The least favorite was the burritos. The pancakes also trailed in the ratings, but one comment echoed what others have told us before: “If we had pancakes for brunch or lunch I would rate them much higher!” As a result, we’re dropping the burritos and moving the pancakes earlier in the day; next Shrove Tuesday, we will combine the fellow-ship event and the Men’s Breakfast Fellowship meeting into a pancake breakfast open to everyone. We will also look for ways to work some of the other food suggestions we received (pulled pork, subs, soup and sandwich, etc.) into future events.

The three highest ranking programs were the Desert Belles, the handbell choir, and Ed Dawson on the organ. Overall, entertainment programs rated better than informative ones. Suggestions for the future included a mixer, a game night, and more music. We will take these results into account when finalizing the next group of programs.

The preferred time for our dinners was overwhelm-ingly 5:00 pm. People seem to be equally open to Wednesday and Thursday evenings, but more workers are available on Thursdays; for this reason, we will be scheduling most of next season’s dinners at 5:00 on the third Thursday of the month.

Miscellaneous suggestions that we will also be implementing included always having name tags available; publicizing the events outside the church; and serving a meal at the Justa Center as a combined fellowship/mission project.

We are very grateful for the positive feedback we received, and for the willing volunteers who have contributed to the success of our fellowship events. Thank you all! We couldn’t do it without you.

~Carol, Tina, and Beth

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