Monday, July 22, 2013

1998 - The Thirty-Fifth Anniversary Year

Reprinted from First Presbyterian Church of Sun City 1963-1998, Thirty-Five Years of Spiritual Life:

During January and February photographs were taken for a new pictorial directory.

Also during this time the pews in the Sanctuary and choir loft were upholstered, seat and back, which was an innovation.  Interior painting was completed.

"Dinners for Six," promoting fellowship in small groups, were begun.

An Arts and Crafts Show was held on a weekend in February to showcase the talents of members.  This was a big success, with neighbors and friends joining members to view the products of their labors.

On Easter the choir appeared in beautiful new eggshell robes with eggshell and blue stoles, coordinated with the new blue upholstery and carpeting.

The upcoming graduation of Rick Myers from Austin Theological Seminary was celebrated April 19 following both services.  a new robe was presented to him by Jane and Fred Bell.

A golf tournament with 40+ participating was held at the North Course on April 24.  A light supper was served afterward and prizes were awarded.

A churchwide luncheon was held April 29 to honor the "First" Ladies, wives of pastors past and present, senior and associate, who have served First Church since its beginning.  Of the 12 wives, 2 are deceased, and 7 were able to attend.  They were serenaded with a terrific musical program.

May 14 - A red-letter day for Pastor Rick!  He was awarded a Doctor of Ministry degree from Austin Theological Seminary.  A contingent of well-wishers was in Austin, Texas, to celebrate with him and Gracie.

At the October 15 meeting of Session, the Church Extension committee, which had been appointed by Session on April 16 to assess the need for additional meeting space at First Church including size, location and financing, presented its report.  Session voted unanimously to present Option 3, constructing an addition to the office complex which would provide meeting rooms and rest rooms, at a cost of $300,000.00, to the congregation at the annual meeting on October 21.

Next: The 35th Anniversary Celebration

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