Thursday, June 20, 2013

The Communion Tables

Sunday, December 4th, 1977 saw the dedication of an intimate new Chapel at the First Presbyterian Church of Sun City.  The Chapel Chancel is graced by an elegantly carved Communion Table.  The facade of the table is a 38" x 20" depth relief of  4.5" replica of Leonardo DaVinci's "The Last Supper" by artist Willi Postler.  The linden wood carving is an authentic duplication of the 15' x 29' 1498 DaVinci "egg tempera" masterpiece which still dominates the dining hall of the Santa Maria delle Grazie Monastery in Milan, Italy.  The carving clearly depicts the room the disciples shared.  We see their bare or sandaled feet, the dining table still cluttered from their evening meal and we witness their agitation at the news Christ has given them.  Jesus has just announced that, before morning, one of them will betray him.  The twelve show their dismay with anger, disbelief or denial.  Looking at the carving we are so aware of their emotions and protests.

Relief panel from the Chapel Communion Table
The Chapel Communion Table was ordered October 6, 1977 by Wm. A. Comer of the First Presbyterian Memorial Committee from Adolf Heinzeller of Oberammergau, Germany.  Oberammergau is also the home of the famed Passion Plan.  The table and carving took nearly six months to complete.  The table was dedicated to honor Josephine (Mrs. Harold) Rohm by her husband, children and friends.  The carving was dedicated to J. Warford Cramer by his wife.  The price of the Chapel Communion table was the equivalent of a new Buick, $5,750.00.

Shortly after the dedication of the Chapel the renovation of the main church began.  By June 1, 1978 the dimensions and plans for a new Communion Table for the Church Sanctuary were established by Lee Edwin Walker.  The artist would be Ivo Demetz, the cost, $4,082.84 plus freight charges.  The order for the Sanctuary Table from the Jobin Company, Brienz, Switzerland was confirmed on November 17. 1978.  The table arrived in Sun City on May 3rd, 1979...a few weeks too late for the April 15th Easter Sunday Service.  The Jobin Company of Brienz is currently a school for student wood carvers but still serves lunch to visitors and welcomes many tourists.

Sanctuary Communion Table
 Artist Ivo Demetz and his carvers, rather than duplicating the entire painting of "The Last Supper," wisely chose to feature only Christ and His Disciples.  The carving, 21" tall x 6' wide, provided ample space to fully recreate the volatile scene.  The disciples are in groups of three, from the left, the first being Bartholomew, then James the Minor (Jesus' younger brother) and Andrew.  The second group consists of Judas, Peter and John.  Jesus sits calmly in the center.  The third group holds "doubting" Thomas, James the Elder and Philip and the last group Mathew, Thaddeus and Simon.  Each of the disciples displays behavior, ture to their character and personality, with shock, denial, anger or disbelief.  It is an explosive atmosphere!  View the carving up close to experience its impact.  You will be moved, I promise, there is nothing placid about "The Last Supper."
~Donna Roth

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